Grup d’Anàlisi Barcelona starts in the sixties of last century as a space of scientific investigation and theoretical elaboration of the mental processes and group dynamics implicit in human life and living together.
GdAB is legally founded at the end of the eighties as a society of cooperative professional work. In January 1990 colleagues from the fields of mental health, psychoanalysis and group work are invited to share the public presentation of Grup d’Anàlisi. More than ninety professionals turned up for the occasion, for which triptychs in Spanish and English were published outlining the conceptual and historic frame of reference of the society: Conceptual Framework, Organization, Objectives and Activities, 1989.
In 1994, coherent with the necessity of a continuous evaluation of any professional association, a Reforumulation of Activities and Organization of Grup d’Anàlisi Barcelona is elaborated and published (Reformulación de Actividades y Organización de Grup d’Anàlisi Barcelona), this time in a conjoint bilingual Spanish-Catalan edition.
At the beginning of the third millennium, in view of elaborating and presenting a retrospective evaluation of the group work carried out, this Blog of Grup d’Análisi Barcelona is created in the memory of Juan Campos Avillar, principal inspirer and promoter of this exceptional space, pioneer in the use of new technologies from Internet to communication multimedia, and whose professional praxis and theorization have in turn marked the practice of the colleagues who have added their efforts to shared projects. Curiously, the moment reclaiming the registered trademark of Grup d’Anàlisis Barcelona in the process of creating the present Blog, it so happened that this recuperation implied the condition of being a virtual context, without doubt Juan’s most fervent wish!
Our objective is to transmit the work of the promoters and collaborators past, present and future of this space, as well as of the pioneers of analytic group work of the last century. Working in the Net, facilitated by the new technologies, not only fosters mutual and continuous communication of visitors and people interested in the group method of analysis, but makes that the objectives of Grup d’Análisi Barcelona are posed from new perspectives.
Gd’AB: Aims
- Knitting networks between individuals and groups
- Integrate and create in the theory and practice
- Create new professional spaces
- Promote change
- Facilitate spaces of communication
If you would like to know how we arrived till here, you can look at the following: